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Liver Cancer and Viral Hepatitis Prevention Month: Showing Love to our Livers

Doctor holding a woman's stomach

This January, the Philippines observes Liver Cancer and Viral Hepatitis Prevention Month—a time to shed light on two major health concerns affecting millions of Filipinos. Liver cancer remains one of the deadliest cancers in the country, often fueled by chronic infections like Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. But the good news? With awareness, prevention, and early action, we can change that.

Why it Matters

Your liver does so much for you—it filters toxins, helps digest food, and stores energy. But despite all this hard work, liver diseases often go unnoticed until it’s too late.

One of the biggest culprits is viral hepatitis, especially Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. These infections can silently damage the liver for years, eventually leading to cirrhosis, liver failure, or liver cancer. In fact, around 10% of Filipinos carry the Hepatitis B virus without knowing it, putting them at risk for serious complications.

Protecting Our Livers One Step at a Time

Man getting a check up

The great thing about liver health is that many of the steps to protect it are simple and doable. Here’s where you can start:

1. Get Vaccinated

The Hepatitis B vaccine is your first line of defense. It’s safe, effective, and widely available, especially for infants under the Philippine National Immunization Program. If you didn’t get it as a child, don’t worry—adults can still benefit from the vaccine.

2. Know Your Status

Getting screened for Hepatitis B and C might feel intimidating, but it’s worth it. Early detection means early treatment, which can prevent complications. If you have a family history of liver disease or think you might be at risk, talk to your doctor about getting screened.

3. Watch Your Lifestyle

Simple changes can make a big difference:

  • Cut back on alcohol. Your liver will thank you.

  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole foods instead of processed foods

  • Exercise regularly to keep your weight in check, as obesity can lead to fatty liver disease.

A Healthier Future by putting #YourHealthFirst

man and woman looking at each other in front of a nurse

Liver Cancer and Viral Hepatitis Prevention Month isn’t just about raising awareness; it’s about empowering you to take charge of your health. These diseases may seem overwhelming, but they are largely preventable with the right steps. By educating ourselves and others, we can create a healthier future for everyone.

Change Starts with You

Your liver works hard for you—every second of every day. Isn’t it time you gave it some care in return?

  1. Visit your nearest health center and ask about Hepatitis B vaccination or screening.

  2. Schedule a check-up to see how your liver is doing.

  3. Start making small but impactful lifestyle changes today.

💡 Remember: Prevention is always better than cure. Take the first step toward a healthier you—because you deserve it.

Book your consultation today! Visit any of the HealthFirst Clinics near you


  1. World Health Organization (WHO) – Hepatitis B Facts

  2. Department of Health (DOH) Philippines – National Immunization Program

  3. Philippine Society of Gastroenterology – Hepatitis Awareness Resources



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